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Trespass (2011)
A lot of violence and excitement
28 February 2024
No storyline. Nothing but violence and excitement. Since I have to write so many characters...ha ha... I'd like to say that movie is about violence and excitement. Great actors in the show. Too bad they were wasted on such a movie of nothing but violence and excitement. It could have been completed in about 10 minutes with all the lack of actual story plot. But, I watched the whole thing, thinking, surely there will be a plot, surely too grade actors will ensure a good move. Was I wrong? Yes, I was wrong. But I watched it all, including all of the violence and excitement. Amazing, simply amazing.
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Entertaining but terribly unsafe
23 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I selected to watch this movie because I grew up in the 70's and the idea of living in the wilderness was something that seemed very wonderful to me. As I have aged and learned much, I know it isn't rainbows and sunshine.

But, this movie tries to make it so. I'll give it a break because it was made in the 70's but looking at it from the 2024's it is a mess. The only real hero in the movie is the dog, and that is fer dern sure!

* I should have known it would be about two idiots with children when one of the first scenes in they are driving down the highway in L. A. and the two kids and the dog are riding in the back of the truck. Sure we all did that when we lived in yokel town in the day, but in L. A. in the 1970's...really?

* You don't go picking raspberries in the complete wilderness during the fall - cause the bears are around. And WTF, with no protection. La la la, everything is so happy and joyful.

*Then the little girl runs from the grizzly (and outruns it, ya right). She hides in a cove in the river and the grizzly doesn't rip the heck out of the hiding place and meanwhile mom pokes it with a big log. That will help.

*Little girl sees her dog fighting a bear so follows it and gets lost in the woods. Because, its ok to let the kids wander around in the wilderness with no supervision. Oh darn, now the dog has to fight off this bear and she follows the dog. Gets lost. Dad finds out and tries to find her. Then horrible, mean wolves chase her down to the lake but don't attack her. Dad happens into the area, shoots off the gun and they run. Whew, another day of tough stuff!

* The little kids are out wandering around loving the beautiful flowers and see such cute cougar kittens. Well, they leave but the cute little babies followed them. Dad is pissed. "You shouldn't let them follow you." Like, how were they going to stop them? So he takes them back and brings his daughter to show him where they came from. Then mama cougar is pissed and attacks him but the good dog distracts the cougar and she runs off. Dad is scratched in his arm (its only a "flesh wound" ha ha). You kids have learned a lesson he tells them. His wife is pissed and he says, I can't talk to you. I need to take a walk. Cause she should have listened to him when he said it wouldn't happen again. Sure, they learned a lesson but did the parents? Nope.

* Dad takes the canoe down the river to get to town to get a daughter for poor ailing daughter and ends up wrecking but in the rapids he fortunately swims to shore and I guess, still makes it all the way to town. Get the doc and they fly back in to check the girl. Weirdly, I believe it is the same doctor she saw in L. A. But she is going to be ok. They think about flying out the next day but gosh, they all want to stay. What will happen next?

Well, I've told the story backward. But you get my point, I think. They show it as a danger, that big ole' wilderness, but dern they are sure lucky. Fools luck apparently.
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Sea of Love (1989)
Then she goes back
22 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure how I feel. It certainly kept me wondering, who was the killer. But, somehow, it doesn't make sense to me that after the traumatic drama of him distrusting her, she would rekindle a relationship with him. First she is the femme Fatale trope then a woman who needed saving. It doesn't sit right. He doesn't deserve her. But, perhaps he is needy too? Oh, and by the way, it was very disappointing and unnecessary for his partner, the John Goodman character to cheat on his wife. That stunk. But, apparently, who cares? The writers certainly didn't. Just another day at the office of tough, screwed up cops, I guess.
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No oxygen?
18 November 2023
I'm sorry but no one goes climbing to those heights without oxygen. This movie was stupid. Yeah, lots of drama but all BS. It's good for a laugh 😃 I'm supposed to meet 600 words. Hmmm. Ok Chris was cute. I love Bill paxon (rip). The dad thunking down at the beginning was soo bad and irreverent. Guy who found his frozen wife was a cool character. He did poetic justice to the kids dad, I guess. But no one cried..just another day on the mountain. The scenery was pretty although surely fake. What did I like? Kept me busy while I brushed my cat and played solitair. Cat loves being brushed. I like solitair.
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Love at First Sight (I) (2023)
I loved it
22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved that it wasn't a Rom-Com but a truly romantic story. I cried several times (unexpected) during this so sweet movie. Yes, it is fantasy. I get that. But, I loved it from the beginning to end.

I appreciated Oliver saying to her, "Well, you are going to eventually forgive your dad, so you may as well do it now." Wonderful wisdom.

I also loved the memorial for his mother, while she was alive. Shouldn't we all do that for those that we love. Tell them in public how much we love and adore them.

It was a bit cheesy at times. I will give you that. But I felt so good when it ended. Together, forever, until our time comes...which it does for all of us.
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This is how I wished it had been
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was 9 when the Manson murders happened. I read the Vincent Bugliosi book after he published it - more aware at perhaps 12 by then. He was the prosecutor of the Manson murders. The cultish motivation behind the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Wojciech Frykowski, and Abigail Folger is sickening beyond belief. These were terrifying, horrific events...horrifying is the least I can say about it quite frankly. I wish I had a stronger vocabulary to intensify the term horrific.

With that, I loved this movie. I love the idea of the reimaging of "what if".. was a cathartic for me. What if Brad PItt's character had actually stopped this horrific event? What if those awful people had gone to the wrong house? What if they had had their "comeuppance"?

Of course, if that had happened, we would never have heard about it, So, unfortunately, the Quinton story was not to be.....

Yet, I loved the recapturing of the era and the Brad Pitt character's unprobeable visit to the Manson Ranch. I love the savior of Brad Pit's character.

I also very much enjoyed the side story of the Leonardo DeCaprio character trying to regain his place in the extremely competitive and so often self-esteem distinguishing of those who are famous and yet lose it, in "Hollywood". Oh, to be in Hollywood, and be famous. That is the dream. More frequently than not, people gain fame and then lose it and then...what is life going to give you following that.

I enjoyed how Brad Pitt's character never fell into that system. He knew he would make it anyway, never concerned, because he was always "minor" and would never hit the big time, so he didn't have any place to fall.

My brother literally works in Hollywood, and as a cinephile and expert, he said this is one of Tarantino's best works. While I appreciate his take on things, and will use my own judgment,...in this case, I 100% agree.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
Why does she copy Keira Knightley
22 April 2023
Yes, dear Keira Knightley has played in several Jane Austen movies. And lots of other movies too. The thing that drives me insane about Keira is her "guppy mouth". If you know what I am talking about, you know what I am talking about. If you don't, well, you aren't paying attention and believe she is a wonderful actress.

Anyway, here we have Dakota Johnson playing a role in another Jane Austen movies. She could be original. She is original. EXCEPT.....there SHE goes with the "guppy mouth". It is affected and irritating. Perhaps someone told her, or she supposes, that is what women "back in the day" did with their mouths when where were "in deep thought", or "blue" or whatever....

UGH. I don't mind that the movie is COMPLETELY out of the true historical truth to Jane Austen's story. That is ok. It is called "creative license". But, let's keep the creativity. Dakota, don't copy Keira's "lip expression". That isn't you and it isn't creative.

Oh and, Mr. Wentworth, shave that crap off your face. You do not look noble. I don't think that sort of stuff was acceptable back in the day. And if you want to be sexy in today's standards, at least cut it back to small bristles, not nearly 1/2 inch stubble. It is gross and you look like you just came back from a good drunk.

Otherwise, the movie was OK. I didn't pay to watch it. It passed the time while I played solitaire.
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Sweet Movie
17 March 2023
I don't know why the score is so low. I have given it a 10 because: * Nora Ephron (miss her so much) was an amazing screenwriter, she "got it"!

I love the way this work reaches back to old movies and draws on "old" music, having made me consider how movies and music touch so many generations,...those then, and those hence, as does any art form. Kudos for her to fully bring those into this piece of art.

Some may devalue it and call all it a "chick flick" - which is a great way of diminution - but, universal truth is, it is love that most of humanity strives for. Is that a bad and "corny" thing? Not to me. It is highly important for adults, children, all humans. They need love.

No, it isn't reality. It is a fantasy. So often "love" *is* "fantasy". The movie doesn't to be "real" to make it meaningful, do we? What is the purpose for any kind of art if it is only to be judged on "reality." Picasso was amazing, but did his art depict "reality" or did it depict emotion and perception? Are movies supposed to have strictly realistic stories and outcomes? Nope. :)

Thank you Nora for writing one of many movies that has impacted my and many of our lives! You did us all a great service and I shall miss you always!
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
30 April 2022
I love this show. I love the way that Amy trains the animals and all of the relationships. My particular favorite is Jack. He is honest, brave and straight forward. Unfortunately, I get weary of young Amy's inability to be straight forward as well. When she is suffering, poor Ty is always trying to figure out what is going on, and then she says "everything is ok" when it ISN'T. Its a wonderful show for adults and children. But it is not teaching young people, girls, in particular, how to be honest in their relationships. I get worn out watching it because of this, and only this. Amy is amazing in every other way. But passive-aggressiveness and dishonesty is NOT what any of us need to observe, cause it isn't ok.
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12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I heard about this show from NPR today and it showed up on Netflix tonight as "popular" or whatever. So, I was intrigued. I really like Ryan Reynolds, so I was looking forward to watching the show.

Sadly, I was very disappointed: I don't know what audience it was trying to reach.

It was rated PG-13 which means (based on my understanding) "for kids". But, as an adult it was completely confusing to figure out what year we were dealing with, why things were so awful and just what was going on.

Honestly, I believe I am not "stupid" but there was so much mixed-up time travel between this year and that, it really was a mess. And to assume that kids could follow that would assume that they have way more understanding of Quantum Physics than perhaps Einstein. Or maybe I am an idiot and kids would get it, but I can't because I am old???

Anyway, I think the idea of a guy going back and meeting his child self and then getting in touch with his father is touching..

I don't know who this show was made for.... Mensa children (?(, Mensa adults (?) or people who can completely disregard any understanding of reality, perhaps?

The sentiment, I get it: get in touch with that little kid you were and figure out why you are a mess, spend time with your dad.....

Thanks Ryan Reynolds and Mark Ruffalo for your involvement..but this one doesn't work for me. :)
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This movie frustrated me
7 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I felt like there were so many things this movie could have provided, if it had a focus.

It covered too many areas, as I have already stated. Did the movie want to share with us the story of a) stables in Philadelphia, b) an inner-city kid with urban challenges, c) a father and son rekindling of relationship, d) Black cowboys (and girls), etc.

Xa) I lived in Philadelphia and feel sad I never knew about these stables. So, what happened next?

Xb) I don't really know what happened to the kid. He loved getting involved with the horses but did become someone who stepped away from the crime world and ended up finishing school and whatever?

Xc) mom comes back in the picture. Do mom and dad rekindle their relationship or does she forgive him for being a young "bad ass"?

Xd) Don't know...

Other problems: Now, as a person who grew up with horses this was really difficult to watch with out actually laughing. A person who has never ridden a horse before cannot suddenly hop on a horse and ride a horse that appears to be needing some serious training. Nope. Never gonna happen. He became an amazing rider immediately. That really bugged me!

I have never known of anyone who kept a horse in their house. Never. The horse wouldn't put up with this and I don't understand what the point was for that?!!

I guess this is a "feel good movie" but after it was done, I didn't feel good. I felt annoyed and frustrated.
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so wonderful
30 December 2020
I didn't want to watch this show for two reasons: 1) I don't care about chess at all, and 2) (more importantly) Netflix kept "pushing" it on me as "watch", "this is number one", "gotta see this" and so forth. I felt like "Don't tell me what to do and I sure won't watch chess!!!" Then two days ago I heard an interview of the director of the film on Public Radio and it caught me. I thought, "Well, now this sounds interesting...."

OMG, was it interesting from the first scene until the end of episode 7. My only regret...that there aren't more shows of the Queens Gambit for me to watch because I am going to really miss my two day addiction!
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Toxic and horrible if this is "love"
24 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I always laugh when I read people's comments: "I just wasted 1.5 hours of my life that I want back." NOW I get it. I kept waiting for this movie to turn into a teaching moment, where people grow up and discover that toxic relationships are things to leave. I dread thinking that teenage girls (or boys) are watching this and think this is a love story. It is not. It is a sick story about a toxic relationship between two very immature individuals. The drinking, the sex, the parties.... Hey, believe me, I am not a prude. But when people keep stepping back into the same toxic relationship that is truly bad for both parties, its gotta stop. Instead we have a mother who pushes her kid to go back and continue to create toxicity in his "girlfriend's" life. Honestly, what is there to see in this movie that has any redeeming quality? Yes, sex is beautiful and we, as humans, love it. But that is the only thing I see that this couple has going for them. And lets be real folks, good sex does not make an entire relationship valuable or good. It just fools you into believing that you are "in love", when really you are feeling an animal magnetism which is what via biology keeps the human primate together with their mate (to raise children). Sorry, human love is more advanced. It is about respect and honesty, and addictive or violent activities are not included in the definition of "love". I hate this movie. I hate that Netflix said it was #1 this week (which is why I watched). I hate the characters, I hate the boring plot and actually, if I could throw it away from the world, why I would just go ahead and do that.
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Krystal (2017)
Interesting story
22 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, there where flaws in the story. but, I found it to be a "heartwarming" parable. I learned a lot about myself having watched it. It gently taught me that there are so many different ways that people can love each other, and for whom we can love - even if that love conflicts with others we love. We all deserve love and are able to love. And, in this showing that includes love between different ages, love between races, love those with disabilities and addictions, love between families not related, and so much more. Just love.

I appreciated that the young man became aware of addiction even though he had no addictions what so ever. But we all became aware of the fact that everyone else in his life was. Isn't that a mirror of our true American life? You may not be an addict at 18, but hang on for a few years and you will find one ( an addiction).

No, this was definitely not a comedy. If it has been advertised as such, that is truly unfortunate. I think the only thing that was supposed to be funny was the horrible doctor addict who couldn't care for his patients. Funny...not funny.

Thank you William H. Macy for making this movie. So sorry it didn't get a higher rating. Your brilliance is truly worthy of respect. You certainly have mine.
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what happened to them
12 December 2020
After watching the whole show....and they were in the boat. Someone, please tell me, what happened to them? I just need to know. I don't care if you were part of the movie development or not. JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED?!!!
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The Lovers (I) (2017)
How can anyone call this a comedy?
9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't find any humor in any of this. If it was supposed to be a comedy, I apparently wasn't let in on the joke. I found it very foul in many ways. I can understand people having affairs. I am not a supporter of it, but I understand. In this show the people each have affairs but don't have the guts enough to stand up to their own selfishness to end their marriage and move on. Instead they continue to have their each affair and continually promise the the person they are screwing that they will leave "soon". (Haven't we all heard that before?) I don't get the humor in that. Then, they fall back in love. But instead of being honest with the people they have had their affairs with, they continue to be deceitful people. Their son comes home and so sadly, he finds out what hypocrites his parents are about their marriage and literally breaks down. He cries, he slams his fist in a wall, he throws things off a table. Still...I don't get the humor....???

Then, at the end, the married couple separate and move in with their lovers and then the next thing you know, they are being deceitful against their lovers and wanting to meet each other again secretly.

How this is funny? Someone please tell me. I found the story abhorrent. And in terms of a "good movie" it had far too many long, extended moments that were meaningless so tell me how that is good? I would have left half of the show on the cutting room floor.

Finally, it defies credibility. Both of the married couple find lovers who are much younger and so much more attractive but what did they offer their young lovers. I saw nothing. I don't care if a person is older, but at least GIVE something that makes you interesting. They both are dead in their attractiveness both physically and socially. Can you tell I didn't like this movie? Maybe if it were "sold" as a drama I might have felt differently. But if reviewers and critics thing this is "comedy" than I must be living in a different universe.
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Was this supposed to be a parody?
19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really like westerns and I was excited to see a western with such great actors Ethan Hawke and John Travolta. The beginning seemed really stereotypical with the drunk Irish Catholic priest drunk on moonshine or what have you. But, I kept watching. Then it got boring. I mean really slow and boring. And then the guy finally leaves town and they come after him and shoot his dog and hold him hostage, at least for a bit, while he, Ethan's character who is supposed to be such a brave "big man" cries and whines for many many minutes. OK. I'm not a sexist but in westerns the hero doesn't cry or whine. And so I am waiting for him to do some amazing move and what? He gets pushed over a cliff. Next day he wakes up. He's "ok" even if he hit his head on apparently sharp rocks, he doesn't really seem to even have a headache. But now he is pissed, I mean really pissed because he finds his dog dead and being eaten by birds. I too would be pissed. But now, now, it is time for the big show down. See what I mean? Is this supposed to be a comedy wrapped up with western violence? It just goes on down to comedy central. If it is a joke, it is a great one. If this is supposed to be serious, it is a big looser!
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What did happen? Wealth and whiteness helps
13 September 2020
I don't know what has happened to the beautiful girl. And while struggling through this series....all I can think is... how can you leave your children alone? That is not ok. I have, since the beginning, when I heard about this disappearance, been so angry and shocked that people would leave their children while they dined elsewhere? And it was pointed out in the show that there was a babysitting service and they didn't use it. Come on! They should be charged with child neglect if nothing else.

As well, I was always pissed that the little blonde girl belonging to two wealthy doctors gathered so much media attention when there are SO many children missing. Well, I know that is how our world works...wealth makes a difference.

Had they not been so wealthy and white they would be in jail today.
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Rainbow Time (2016)
Deeply disturbing and *not comedy*
2 September 2020
I don't usually "hate" movies, but this is one of them. I hated all of the manipulation from the older brother towards his girlfriend and brother. His brother may have some kind of disability - never really explained other than having him having his head being rolled over by his brother when he (brother) backed out of his driveway. The BROTHER was the truly sick one. He seemed to have no remorse over damaging his brother so seriously. The satanic brother's girlfriend tried to be amenable throughout but she represents the standard trope of a very naïve and well... stupid woman. I hated all the characters in this film and I cannot find one redeeming quality to this show. Even the father turned out to be a sick SOB. Awful, awful. UGH!
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Feel the Beat (2020)
Was this a show from Lifetime?
29 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show was so formulaic. First, woman screws up her options in NYC so has to move back to small town USA. There she sees all the people who "loved her when" and of course, starts up with the old boy friend who is just "such a great hometown guy". (Gilmore Girls anyone?) Second, she decides to teach girls to dance. But I don't actually see her really teaching them anything. Just makes them do push ups when they misbehave. Third, Oh yes, the competitions. Of course they win. Annoying watching the parents jump and scream "that's my kid" in the middle of the show. So inappropriate, that is just not ok in my book. Show some real respect instead of drawing attention to your parental self. Four, I hated the dance routines. All of them. She was a professional jazz/ballet dancer. What kind of dancing are these kids doing? I wouldn't call it anything but cheerleading. This is NOT dancing. I was super disappointed by the dancing. I mean REALLY disappointed. Five, the story was written for 6-7 year old people, I think. That is ok, I guess, but it shouldn't pretend to be anything else but a kids matinee.
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A horrifying story I may not ever get out of my head
2 March 2020
Once I started watching, there was no way I couldn't watch the whole thing in one sitting. I was up until 4:00 in the morning. I cannot get Gabriel and his horrible torture and abuse out of my head. It haunts me during my waking hours and wakes me when I sleep. The torture...the abuse...and knowing there are so many other innocent children being subjected RIGHT NOW to this very thing. It is just horrifying.

When my adult daughter called yesterday, I told her I was exhaused that I had watched a show I couldn't stop watching until 4:00 in the morning. She wanted to know what it was about....I could barely get the words out. I don't want her to see it. I don't want any one to see it. Yet, we all need to see it. We all need to see this and all of its gruesome honesty.

I hate the subject matter. I hated the show. There were times when tears were streaming down my face. I hate the perpetrators, oh my God, do I hate them. (Pearl's final statement was so sickening...she had no remorse, none, whatsoever.)

But more, I hate the "system" and the realization that this happens over and over and over and over and over....

Having been a government worker, I know how the people who are at the top are there not to ensure that the people they serve are served well, but to meet metrics and to keep themselves looking good - especially in the human services departments. It is sickening.

From this show, we see how everyone is protecting themselves. The only people that stood out and did the right thing was the teacher and the security officer - but their reports were for naught. No one, no one else stood up for this poor innocent child.

It makes me want to say, if anyone sees a child who has been abused, take them, take them away, don't wait to turn them into social services or the authorities. Take them directly to the hospital and stay with them and never let their demon caretakers ever have them back. I know it isn't realistic. But seriously, from what I have seen, that seems to be the best alternative.

The system would rather let a child be abused or die than let their parents' lose their rights as parents, rather than ensure the very basic rights of a child's safety.

We must, we must!! figure out a way to stop this horrendous child abuse that is systemic in our society.
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Christmas with a View (2018 TV Movie)
Quite frankly, I liked it quite a lot
24 December 2018
At first when it started, I thought, "Oh NO, this is terrible". The acting was so stilted I was shocked.

But as I kept watching while doing other Christmas things like wrapping presents, I started to really enjoy it. Yes, it seemed the acting was flat, but it grew on me. The characters were not over the top, they seemed like true, nice people. (Except for the two women named Janice I think - they were a stink bomb - no one behaves like that, or if they do, I certainly wouldn't want to meet them).

Yesterday I decided to watch several Christmas Romantic movies: Christmas Inheritance, A Christmas Prince and The Princess Switch. This well out weighed them in the genuineness of love. There was none of that stupid shlock about "making this the season" to suddenly be nice to others (shouldn't people behave that way always?). There were no stupid jokes or people falling all over the place, or being dunderheads.

What I experienced was a nice love story, subdued in its way, but warm and very intentional. I really enjoyed Scott Cavalheiro in his role as the "famous" chef Shane. He was always so kind even when those dips the Janice's crowded into his space at a coffee shop. He could have been rude, but he wasn't. I don't believe Scott was actually acting...I am bound to think this is his true persona and that makes me want to see other movies he has been in.

Kaitlyn Leeb, as Clara, was also very understated in her acting. I thought initially she was a terrible actress, but again, I found her sincere and not over the top character like Hollywood likes to make people. Some people complained that Clara's mother was black and they made Kaitlyn look white. I prefer to think that the movie showed incredible diversity. I gather that Clara's father was white; and I appreciated the fact that Clara's brother was married to a woman who was white or possibly Asian. Because in the end, we are all people, and we should all be able to sit down at the same table no matter how we look and appreciate one another. Patrick Duffy and his wife Jess Walton (Frank and Jackie) added a nice treat of comfort and the feeling of being with just darn nice people. They do exist and these two made me wish to be married the length of time they had been and so in love and appreciative of each other. A great model for us all. The evil bad guy was also realistic. He wasn't some stupid monster, he was working like most true nefarious people do. We all knew there was something skeptical about him, and it came out, but not so overblown obvious, again, like Hollywood likes to make evil characters. Because in real life, we don't always see them, they act like the rest of us, only they lie. But, to top it all, I loved the location shots. I have tried to find out where this was filmed but to no avail. I grew up in a mountain ski town so it really hit home as far as the beauty of the snow and the mountains.
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26 years and still laughing
22 December 2018
I am not sure if there is a movie that I find more funny and enjoyable than this. Marisa Tomei totally steals the show and certainly earned her Oscar! But, I so enjoyed Joe Pesci, what a perfect slimeball. And then of course Ralph Macchio, our grown up Karate Kid, so damn cute. And Fred Gwynne... I kept thinking, where do I know that guy? Herman Muster of course. What a great role he played as the judge, and THIS being the final film of his illustrious career. I loved him as Herman, but so much love him more and he is deeply missed by me. So, the actors were amazing. And the story is astonishingly funny and every time I watch I still have to laugh my head off. It is just too funny. It has only been 26 years since this movie came out, but it is still so great, I just had to put in my 2 cent review! If you haven't seen it, well, I believe you have missed out on a perfectly relaxing, hilarious experience. Last words: watch it, you won't be sorry!!
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Not sure of the purpose
22 December 2018
I picked up the documentary from the library because I like Cloud Cult, the music in the background. That said, I have been very interested in the Iditarod. I didn't find Lance to be a very likeable person quite frankly. But I guess if you are a winner, often times your obsession doesn't allow you to be a socially perfect person. I was disappointed that his mother, who raised him, wasn't given more of a presence, particularly after he won the races. Lance clearly disliked his father but his father got the glory after Lance the first race in 2007 and his mother had to fight to get any kind of attention. I find that very dismissive and sexist.

He may have won four in a row and that is something that is something amazing. But yet, I feel like this film left me flat - like, so what? Maybe his personal history should have been left out? Or maybe there should have been more attention on the history of the race or even his brother and father's involvement.

I am sure if I met Lance I probably wouldn't like him. Is that the point?
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Hostiles (2017)
Far too long
13 November 2018
It just was too slow. I was excited by the high ratings, but the movie just moved too slow to keep me engaged. I am glad I didn't watch it in a theatre. I wouldn't have been able to take the breaks I needed to get through it all.
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