19 Reviews
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Man vs. Bee (2022)
Anxiety-inducing version of Mr Bean
30 June 2022
I have been a fan of Mr Bean but sadly as much as this series takes inspiration from Mr Bean, it has failed to capture his essence. Mr Bean was a selfish, naive, foolish, to-some-extent unlikeable but also a charming character to watch. You don't necessarily root for Mr Bean because he is a character you enjoy laughing at. Contrarily, watching Trevor makes me feel embarrassed and anxious, because he's a character with empathy, love, hopes and dreams - he reminds me of an ordinary man. He shows emotions that we all have, including remorse and guilt. It's almost hard to laugh at the comedy because it feels almost wrong to laugh at him. I actually primarily feel annoyed watching Trevor because it's frustrating to see how he allows himself to constantly messes everything up when he clearly knows his priority is his daughter. If he was a 'Mr Bean character' it would've been more fun to watch, as you know this man probably would have very shallow goals and values and would have no self-awareness about anything he did.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
South park does better satire than this
2 March 2022
Some parts are amusing, but many jokes are just OTT, not that funny. Also don't like how stereotypical the movie is with the main characters - like the professor is of course socially awkward, and the researcher of course is a nerdy but super cool girl who has a bang and thick eyeliners. Then of course the woman the main character cheated with is dumb and superficial but beautiful. Then of course the wife is only a housewife and meek but is loving and kind. Truth is the real world doesn't work like this so if this is part of the satire I don't think it works, and if the 'stereotypes' aren't part of the satire then the whole thing is even worse.. lol.
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Maid (2021)
The best portrayal of emotions and human relationships!
1 November 2021
You might not resonate with the abuse, the drinking and generational trauma in the series, but you will relate to the ups and downs of Maid's life. Moments of loneliness, hopelessness, frustration but also determination, optimism and love run through the series. All actors play their roles so so well you just get immersed into the world of Maid. The best thing about this series is it portrays life very well - life really sucks sometimes when you fail, but there's always an opportunity to bounce back no matter how trivial it seems, and at some point someone kind is willing to help you out and make you believe in humanity again. People come and go in Maid's life, they have different motivations and might not be the best for Maid. But Maid's relationship with them have taught her a lesson and help her grow into a better person who makes better decisions in life. These characters also make you realise everyone has a story of their own and they might not appear to be what they seem like in the beginning, which is often true in reality. I just love how much I could resonate with the series. Everything was just so on point!

For those who are judging and criticising Maid's choice of actions in the series - you must be a privileged person. It's easy to say 'she should do this...she should've done that...' when you are watching this show in the comfort of your own home with your heating on and microwaved popcorn in your hand.
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You: Missing White Woman Syndrome (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Apart from the vax stuff, the MWWS gives POC a bad image! Stop the political BS
17 October 2021
I'm a POC and I dislike Marienne because of how this show portrays her.

Her whole identity is so fixated on her being a POC, she makes 'race' a thing in all conversations. She mocks Joe trying to be her 'white saviour' when he's just trying to do the nice thing in an abusive situation. When talking about Natalie's disappearance, she has to shove in some MWWS education instead of showing empathy for Natalie and her family (when this woman is actually someone who lives in her area)? Like come on... I'm trying hard to like you as you are one of the female leads in this show, but your character is so insufferable...
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You: W.O.M.B. (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
The plot development is so satisfying
16 October 2021
I particularly loved the ending as it was dark, intriguing and fulfilled the 'keeping secret' premise of the series without compensating character development.
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You: So I Married an Axe Murderer (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
Strongest episode so far!
16 October 2021
Joe and Love are deeply traumatised people who make bad impulsive decisions but this episode just makes you understand why they both are so emotionally unstable and really make you feel for them!
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You: Into the Woods (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
What happened in the woods was weird
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You can argue that Joe finally feeling 'free' and accepted by others after the fight was believable, but this whole thing was just a bit odd... and it's hard to imagine the typically cynical Joe would be okay with the idea of "let's live like primates! This is true manhood!"
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This episode is not about Love but Attraction
10 October 2021
Enjoyed the acting and the idea of reconnecting old flames. HOWEVER, encouraging infidelity is NOT okay. I don't understand why the episode (and society in general) normalises and romanticises infidelity. Love is not only about attraction, but friendship, loyalty, trust and creating a safe space together with a partner. It's also about letting go of the past when you have a new partner. Not effing staying with someone whilst waiting for someone in the past to come back. Don't like that this episode creates a fantasy for many people (in a relationship) out there to rekindle old relationships. It's often a facade - once the two almost-strangers get back together, they will soon have relationship problems, just like all couples do. Real love is about overcoming problems together and not leaving the other behind.
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Upload (2020– )
Many interesting and plausible theories for the furistic society, great dry and silly humour at times, OK plot
8 October 2021
What I love the most about this series is definitely the world-building. How the 'dead' and interact with the living, what the ordinary office environment and dating scene are like, what technology people use in their homes and cars etc. Are all very interesting to watch. I also love the humour in the show, a lot of it is subtle, dry, sometimes odd but hilarious. The plot is alright (6/10), but the set up of the show and characters really bring the show up to 8/10.
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9/10 stars for the first half of the film, 0/10 FOR CGI DISNEY CREATURES
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For the first half of the film, I really thought Marvel had nailed it. The production felt very Marvel-like with spectacular visuals and effects, alongside an emotional development of the plot that draws you in greatly. It was amazing, I would give the first half a 9/10 for the story and character development. The story-building is done so beautifully with amazing cinematography and fight choreography. I really felt the chemistry between characters and began to invest in their relationships and root for them in the very beginning. The movements in action-based scenes flow so smoothly but powerfully that it was such a joy to watch. The family drama in the first half is convincing and emotionally wrecking, I'm so glad MCU invests in the villain Wen-wu (Tony Leung)'s story as much as Shang-Chi's.

However, the CGI towards the end of the film (when they arrive at the village of Ta Lo) RUINED IT for me. Magical creatures are involved and the whole thing becomes Disney-like and more like a teenage/young adult fantasy film than a Marve film. The design of the creatures felt very Disney: the 'good' creatures are fluffy and cute, the 'evil' creatures look like - clichely - bats and spiders etc. The story here is still okay - not the best but definitely logical enough to enjoy. The worst is the battle between CGI creatures and humans... During the climactic point where Shang-Chi was fighting along with the dragon, I was reminded of Harry Potter and his adventures. Tbh the dragons in HP's The Goblet of Fire felt even much more dangerous and exciting than the creatures in this film. The CGI creatures and their interactions with the humans in this film are that BAD. I feel greatly disappointed in MCU because of this, making the whole atmosphere of the film more Disney than MCU. I love innovations and creativity but I came here to watch a Marvel film instead of a Disney film. I really would prefer them to focus more on Shang-Chi vs. Wen-wu in the final battle. I was invested in both characters so much I wish I could've seen more of them.
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Great suspense building with no climax
5 October 2021
Suspense is built in the first hour, and it's done quite well. It draws you in and makes you feel anything can happen any minute now. The real climatic point happens in the last 20 mins of the film and it's basically all action-based. No suspense from that point onwards, only action and gore. I prefer a more mixed approach to horror, with suspense built throughout the film and scares/jump scares ocassionally.
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Not that surprising apart from the subject matter
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The short film is definitely produced in an artistic way that I really appreciate. However, the story falls flat to me. The only shocking factor, obviously, is the molestation that has been happening in the household. And perhaps how the mum keeps the whole thing quiet, which makes the whole situation worse.

The "what if" factor does not have an effect on me because the whole domestic abuse in this film refers to incest and sexual abuse, which is a type of abuse that has been commonly talked about and used in script material. Let's say the memoir did get released, the consequence would still be totally predictable: more victims might speak up, a movement might get started etc.

Eh, maybe I've watched too much f**ked up stuff. It's a nice short film but it's not that memorable.
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Gogglebox (2013– )
Entertaining, useful and lovely to see families enjoying TV together!
3 October 2021
I don't really watch TV anymore so this is an awesome way to learn about what people are watching nowadays. Not to mention some cast members always make amusing comments and relatable reactions to the shows they are watching. Sometimes you can also tell there's a genuine bond between the couples/families which is lovely to watch. I don't always agree with the views of the cast members but it's nice to see different perspectives and realise how we are all part of a diverse society.
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Squid Game: Unsu joeun nal (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
Bad character development ruined the show for me!!
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have lost all my respect for the main character Seong Gi-hun.

He's just quite an annoying character. He has shown that he still hasn't learnt his lesson from his experience in the game and keeps making decisions that would leave himself feeling guilty and depressed. If his daughter is the most important thing to him, why does he want to go back to the game in the end? Surely if he gets injured or die he might never see her again? Why does he decide that almost every death in the game is his own responsibility? He literally makes impulsive decisions all the time - he acts on how he thinks in the moment every single time - there's no character development in this aspect. The worst is when he gets all the money in the end and does not put it to good use immediately. Yeah I know he's guilty and depressed with low energy etc, but it's inconsistent of his character to not give away his money and fulfill his promises immediately if he feels so bad for his friends who died in the game.

Not to mention it's so frustrating that he's such a pushover. I bet if he enters the game again and continues to be such a pushover, he's not gonna be the hero he thinks he is and will miss the opportunity to be with his daughter. Being kind, having empathy and compassion is great, but he only stands out as a pushover because every other character is either unbelievably evil, chaotic, non-cooperative or cowardly. If there's another human who is level-headed in the next season, this character will be ¬sooo insignificant¬. It's like apart from being the nice guy, he really had got nothing to offer. He only wins the game really through pure luck. Yeah he tried to make everyone cooperate and stuff, but no-one did at the end anyways. So what a waste of time?
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Squid Game: VIPS (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Poor execution: Overdramatic and ~really bad~ dialogues!!
29 September 2021
The plot and concept of the series had so much potential to be original, exciting and thrilling. But the execution is BAD. I've spent so much time watching different people reiterating the same point using different words over and over again, as if the production team think the audience aren't paying attention to the plot OR we are stupid and won't understand the nuances of the scene unless they spit it out word by word. There are also many unecessary scenes of people staring at each other for about 2-3 seconds (multiple times throughout the episode for the same reason) to show that they have an issue with the other person. It's like...we get it ok?!!!!

And somehow every conflict MUST BE an epiphany for someone in the game. When a difficult decision has to be made, there would always be this one person who would cause a scene: they would either turn violent and have a rant about some moral issue or break down and tell us their life story. I understand drama is needed to make the plot work, but these 'epiphany' scenes happen so often that they have become overdramatic and predictable, and therefore I've lost interest in the characters unfortunately.

The worst of all is the VIPs - I actually don't blame the actors as much. The problem lies in the script. How do you expect the actors to talk normally when the dialogues are written in such an odd way? They try to make a joke about '69' in this episode which is not uncommon, but they somehow manage to do it so badly that you just can't help but cringe. The VIP characters are also created to explain what's happening among the participants in the game for us, because the script-writer can't work out a more subtle way to convey the sense of danger and skills required for the game. So we are forced to listen to these VIPs talking at us about e.g. How difficult and risky the game is, which is super dumb and cheesy.

I still gave 5 stars because I can see the effort behind the production: the cinematography, visual and sound effects are done very well. The plot has so much potential. But the poor execution has completely ruined the show.
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Squid Game: Usan-eul sseun namja (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Love to be back in the game!
28 September 2021
The plot of this episode is well-written. You really get to know the participant dynamics and get some idea of the structure and hierarchy within the masked gang. This episode is where you get a glimpse of hope for the desperate participants but also realise that you will watch many more brutal scenes before getting to the resolution.

I have a small problem with some of the script-writing and/or non-verbal acting though. Sometimes the actors act with an expression that I find a little unrelatable, for instance, when the survivors of the game hear gun-shots after leaving the game room, instead of looking sad and hopeless, they look shocked only... but surely they know the losers of the game are going to die right? Also, one of the key characters is an ahole (which is fine as a character), but I don't understand why another key character who is rather level-headed and normal would want to help this person instead of anyone else in the game to win the game. I try to withhold judgement at this point, but I really hope the story doesn't go down a path where aholes can get away with any behaviour just by sticking with the nice people.

All in all, it's a good episode and interests me to keep watching.
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Squid Game: Mugunghwa kkoch-i pideon nal (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good set up and it draws you in for more!
27 September 2021
The pilot does a good job introducing us the key characters of the series. The set up of the story is solid - we understand the main character's personality and the motivation behind his actions quite adequately. The second half of the episode is where the game starts - it's engaging and exciting. You can't help but want to binge the rest of the series.

The only downside is the english subtitles... I have the feeling that some of the dialogues have been reduced and simplified in the translation, which makes the conversations at times sound repetitive and a bit bland. However the acting has been good and the story captivating. I'm excited to start the second episode now!!
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Bo Burnham: Inside (2021 TV Special)
This is not just a comedy special... it's a stunning piece of art.
22 September 2021
Wow. Just wow. This comedy special is not just comedy. Burnham takes us on a journey with him to explore his inner world of anxiety and existential crisis in lockdown that we all find it relatable to some extent. Filmed in a single room, the comedy special has not a dull moment... it's a mesmerising piece of art.

His humour had always been satirical and dark. This new special gives me the impression that although Burnham still produces a similar kind of comedy, he has matured a lot in terms of his delivery and presentation of jokes. In this special, his humour is satirical, dark, reflective, creative and sophisticated but also silly sometimes. His smart delivery makes you can't help but laugh and cry at the same time in some scenes. There are plenty of visual, musical and sound effects that further highlight the type of humour he's trying to convey. With Burham's superb editing of his performance, he has turned this special into an almost theatrical experience that leaves me feeling poignant but also so so inspired and satisfied after the show has ended!!!
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Eighth Grade (2018)
A universally understood experience
21 September 2021
For a coming-of-age comedy drama, this film has nailed every single aspect of being an awkward teen who is desperately trying to fit in and prove their competence in the real world whilst struggling to find a sense of self, especially in this digital age. Its portrayal of interactions between the teens - both online and offline - are very realistic, many times cringe-worthy yet not cheesy. Some scenes are so relatable that they might actually remind you of some cringe-worthy memories about your teenage years. The music and camera angles are done excellently which really make you feel Kayla's emotions in the moment - you just can't help but empathesise with her. I think this film has successfully created a universal experience with scenes that everyone can relate to to some extent.
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