IMDb Polls

Poll: Most Iconic Scene from a Scorsese Movie?

Martin Scorsese is one of the most acclaimed American directors of all time.

His films often explore themes such as Sicilian-American identity, Roman Catholic concepts of guilt and redemption, machismo, modern crime, and gang conflict. Despite this, he has an incredibly varied and accessible filmography that includes a romantic drama, a taut urban cop thriller, an oddball comedy and a religious period film.

Which scene from his movies, as nominated by IMDB's Poll Board Members, do you feel is the most iconic of his filmography?

See also:

Most Iconic Scene from a Spielberg Movie?

Most Iconic Scene from a Christopher Nolan Movie

Most Iconic Scene from a James Cameron Movie?

Discuss the list here

Results of 5,354 votes:

  1. 1.

    Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver (1976)

    "You talkin' to me?" - Travis Bickle talks to himself in front of the mirror Nominated by The-Social-Introvert
  2. 2.

    Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, and Joseph Bono in Goodfellas (1990)

    "I'm funny, how?" - Tensions rise as Tommy DeVito looses his cool at the dinner table Nominated by The-Social-Introvert
  3. 3.

    Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon in The Departed (2006)

    "I am killing you" - The elevator scene Nominated by jamesh5

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