Disappointing drama suffers from uninspired direction.
11 February 2002
Irving Cummings seems to have been very uninspired by this drama about an aspiring actress struggling to survive on Broadway. His direction is dull, mostly simple two-shots with very few close-ups. In fact I don't think Johnny Walker gets a single close-up in the entire film. And his reluctance to bring the camera in close means that he doesn't use the wonderfully expressive face of Colleen Moore. There is one gorgeous close-up of her looking through a curtain which demonstrates how foolish Cummings' fear of close-ups was. Her face expressing so much emotion that we can feel the envy she feels, as her gold-digger friend goes off to fame and fortune.

This film is certainly a missed opportunity - a great cast, a good (if somewhat cliched) story and a fascinating setting (Broadway in the 1920's). But Cummings chooses to shoot all the dance routines from the side - like we are watching from the wings. A nice idea for some shots - but for all of them! The Broadway shows look pretty shoddy anyway. Perhaps this was a budgetary problem.

Anyway, the film is worth seeing for a glimpse of the great Colleen Moore in an early leading role.
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