Review of Cobra

Cobra (1925)
I am the sex-obsessed man, and you're the cure. (oops wrong movie!)
18 September 2004
I had some doubts when I first watching "Cobra" as I seem to recall long ago, a negative reaction to watching one of Valentino's movies. But hey, guess what, despite some odd things, I actually liked it!

Valentino plays Rodrigo, a sex obsessed man who's actually had it up to HERE with women coming on to him all the time (and vice versa!) he meets up with a antiques dealer from the US who persuades to come work for him. Believe me, I could actually predict what was going to happen a mile away.

Anyways, Valentino plunges into his work, ignoring every woman that comes his way. When his antiques partner marries a woman that was trying to woo Valentino, (which is surpising in itself, as it looked for a while that he was appearing to be an "unwritten gay character" the woman keeps trying, even trying to woo Valentino up to a hotel room. From this point, things take a laughably unpredictable turn (you don't see it coming) which leads us to the sad ending. Awww.

The acting here is good for the period, but tends to rely on, as it always does with silent dramas, with too many people looking glum, and looking off to the side. (you know what I mean). Valentino is quite good in this actually. Worth a look.
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