Pretty Ladies (1925)
I can only saw this much
29 May 2003
I only saw about two minutes combined of this movie.It was part of the "MGM comedy parade",but with what I did see,I COULD NOT believe that that was Joan Crawford.The narrator said about her"There she is folks,Joan Crawford.Big eyes and beautiful".To be honest,I thought it was kind of hippocritical for her to be commenting on Bette Davis' "Bug eyes",when her she has bulgy eyes herself. The movie's about a bunch of show girls......well,that's all I could muster.But Joan was SMILING,and she looked quite cute when the camera closed in on her.Dare I say it,she looked INNOCENT,and childlike in a way.Kind of reminded me of Louise Brooks. Barely recognisable,really.Didn't look like the "Mildred Fierce" we all know and love.
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