Who would have thought.....
31 May 2000
....that a movie with an all midget cast could be so incredibly boring. I knew it was a late 30's western-musical, probably the most boring genre mankind has created, but I figured this would be balanced by the fact that it had an all-midget cast. The problem was that this film was *supposed* to be a comedy...this meant plenty of unfunny sight gags and slapstick. At the same time it tried to be a serious drama, but the sound was so bad that I could just barely make out what the actors were saying. This didn't have a whole lot of impact on my ability to understand the plot, since the plot was very ripe. Everything in it I had seen before, albeit with full size actors. Ordinarily I would have been amused by the grade school level acting and campy plot, but overall I found the film to be just too incompetent to be enjoyable. It was like watching a grade school play with midgets in the place of children...I think this film would be more appealing and amusing with an all child cast rather than an all midget one. Anyways, there are a few comedic scenes, such as the aforementioned midgets going under hitching posts, riding Shetland ponies and stagecoaches pulled by ponies, etc.
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