7 June 2004
Who could imagine anything more ridiculous than bespectacled 40s big band leader KAY KYSER ever being a spy?? Well, that's the key in this amusing wartime farce, and its strength. Everybody knows Kyser as a benign, southern gentleman from the ultra popular KOLLEGE OF MUSICAL KNOWLEDGE radio show, so drafting him and using him as a spy is the perfect governmental solution! When Nazis are discovered using musical arrangements to broadcast coded messages, Kyser is on the case! Particularly memorable are his two lovely costars, Ellen Drew (she of the PERFECT body and cheekbones)and Jane Wyman as his cohort in spy-dom. Kyser tries to act tough ("Bartender! Stab us with a couple of drinks!")but can't quite rise to the occasion. Perhaps he'll prevail in the end! Great(though not enough) songs! Harry Babbitt sings the perfect 'homesick soldier' song, JUST PLAIN LONESOME, and bouncy Sully Mason the catchy GOT THE MOON IN MY POCKET. People seem surprised to hear Harold Lloyd produced this film. Whaddya they want- Kyser hanging from a clock?? Ish Kabibble (Merwyn Bogue) is first rate in his usual capacity as inane sidekick, but could have been used more. Robert Armstrong (King Kong)is the perfect expressionless American Nazi/tough guy. Out of Kyser's 7 features, this one for RKO, I'd rate this 4 out of 5 stars. More on 'The IL' Professor of Swing at Fun flick!!
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