A Casablanca Rip-Off By Any Other name...
2 November 2001
Passage to Marseille remains an entertaining film despite the fact that it's riding on Casablanca's successful coat tails.

The movie has an odd flashback-within-a-flashback-within-a-flashback structure, and the acting is fine (although there's little chemistry between Bogie and Michele Morgan). The boat battle near the end is pretty good. Bogie's actions during the fight must have seemed particularly shocking at the time of the movie's release. With the French resistance theme as well as the presence of Bogie, Claude Raines, Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, and even Helmut Dantine (Garou), who had a small part in Casablanca, it couldn't be anything other than a movie capitalizing on Casablanca's success. But it's a good movie, nonetheless.
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