Lovely and amazing
1 September 2004
I can hardly begin to describe the charm of this film, though there's far more to it than charm. It's about young love, a couple in post-war Paris, threatened by jealousy and a sexual predator. But nothing dire. It's about the beauty of their love, and especially of the wife, and about how they live in this little community of work and neighborhood. A simple life, but the emotional temperature is raised by things like a bike accident (cf Bicycle Thief) and a missing lottery ticket (cf Le Million). The simple plot creates tension that balances between serious and comic, while the variety of characters whirl in a subtle and intricate dance. Apparently irrelevant moments give a wonderful texture. As when the bride, playing the piano at her wedding, hears her new husband say something that disappoints her, and we feel the sadness of their future life. Or the tiny tour-de-force of Gaston Modot and his partner at the lottery office. Or the scene at the bar at the wedding--an emotional roller coaster! The direction and editing are very sophisticated, elegant and unobtrusive. I love this movie.
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