Alright, I guess..
24 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I accidentally saw this movie when the library put it in the case of Pygmalion and I didn't realise I had the wrong film until I'd gotten home, so it didn't start off on a good footing. Don't see this if you're tired, it has a fair storyline, but it'd probably put you to sleep.

OK, there's this producer who has an ego the size of Texas, and doesn't care who he steps on to get his way. First victims: the producer tries to hit on a woman at a party, and she tries to warn her husband, who is a writer (who wants the same producer to produce his play), but he doesn't listen, and they end up separating. Then, the producer manages to destroy his own girlfriend's career by spreading vicious rumours about her, so she loses her contract. The poor author is forced to revise his play, and he makes such a mess of it that the actor he had pegged for the lead doesn't want to do the part anymore. Luckily, the author's ex-wife shows an original draft of the play to that actor, who loves it, and helps her to find another producer. After doing such a good deed, the author goes back to his wife. I can't remember anything else, but I think someone died as well.. I'd give The Saxon Charm about a 6 out of 10.
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