Review of Africa Screams

Whoops I´ve did it again!.
2 July 2002
Every year I seem to put myself through the torture of watching a film by Abbot and Costello. Now, I know that I don´t have to endure this pain, that I can quite easily do something much more enjoyable (flail myself, read medical reports, etc, etc), but for some reason I get a kind of perverse pleasure in watching these two comidic icons fail, yet again, to summons a single smirk to my countenance. This is awful, I say repeatedly to myself - crudge, crap, the unfunniest thing I have ever seen. But I secretly know that I am being dishonest with myself. I know that the worst is yet to come and should be on my screen within the coming twelve months. Yet another A+C masterpiece!. I can´t wait.
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