"I want that money!" . . . "We'll get it, Blackie!"
28 August 2002
Blackie, played by Jack Palance at his most evil, menacing role ever, and the fawning sidekick Fitch, played by the great Zero Mostel, are trying to find out why the cops are so interested in finding who killed their partner Poldi's cousin.

"I got a hunch he brung somethin' in with him," deduces Blackie.

Later, as Poldi is dying of pneumonic plague, of which his cousin would have died had Blackie not shot him (don't worry, I'm not giving anything away), they try to find out what it was.

"You're sick Poldi, real sick. You need a doc. You need a doc bad. But it's gonna take dough, a whole lotta dough," he says as he starts to move his hands around his throat. "Now WHERE'S THE STUFF, POLDI, WHERE'S THE STUFF?", by now strangling him.

"Whats going on here?" asks public health nurse who's been summoned by Poldi's mother.

"We're his best friends," replies Fitch.

This is a great movie. Widmark is really good, too, but he doesn't have the best lines. I've seen it at least 15 times and still enjoy it. Don't miss it...
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