6 December 1998
When this picture was released in 1951 it was a box office bonanza. It was one of the first intelligent sci-fi films with a smart screenplay. Every year that has past, it is voted as one of the top 10 science-fiction pictures ever made. In every film book it is rated four stars. They tried to remake it in 1982 and it was a a total flop. Every thing about this film was a delight from its wonderful cast to the excellent black and white photography. Never has any film scared so many people. I use to stand at the back of the theatre every night just to watch people jump out of their seat. James Arness started his career as the Thing and Kenneth Toby went on to make many other sci-fi pictures, but none as good as this one. This picture still holds up. Who needs all those endless special effects and brilliant color? There was great color in 1951 but Howard Hawks was right on making this picture in B&W. This is one of the bright spots in the sci-fi world.
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