Important Life Lesson Given in Film
3 March 2004
Every so often,one can find wisdom in the strangest places.To borrow a phrase from our friends in Alcoholics Anonymous,you get a message from the Higher Power.But,you also have to be aware that the message is being sent,and also have to be able to recognize that message.

It's been over 40 years since I've seen this picture.Consequently,my memories are not terribly clear.I believe that,for the most part, it is a run-of the mill Arabian nights movie. What I do remember,however,is the fact that the wishes granted by the Genie are accompanied by a dire price.The Genie openly states that, he is required to kill whoever casts the third wish in a series.This is,of course,quite different than the benign genies seen in many other films of this nature.

Now,there happens to be a price that we pay for whatever we get.And great gifts are almost always accompanied by great costs.Anything worth getting usually requires extreme effort,competition,and/or a tremendous cost.And the wishes the Genie grants in this film clearly illustrate this point.
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