One girl's Road To Ruin, rock-bottom cheap fifties style.
24 April 1999
Classically bad fifties cheapo, there's not even any dialogue! Either some genius lost the sound a la "The Creeping Terror", or the budget was so low that it was shot as a silent film. There is no sound but the heavy-handed narration, some stock music, and some really bad Foley effects that don't match the action on screen at all (cops run across the sandy desert and their footsteps echo).

It's about this girl who Goes Wrong; she goes from high school bad girl to tranquilized housewife, to dealer, to junkie, to hardened thief, all because she went for a motorcycle ride with some bad kids! Take heed, discontented teenagers!

Since it's all about the dangers of drugs there are about 20 different writhing-on-the-ground scenes, most of them hysterically funny. Whether it's star Barbara Marks rolling around her nice suburban yard looking for another seconal, or a series of surprisingly clean, well-dressed junkies going through withdrawl to the "Twilight Zone" sound, you can't help but laugh at the clueless, silent overacting.

A classic among bad movies.
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