Rocky's Horrid Picture Show
11 June 2001
Rocky Jones is an emotionless space ranger who is never wrong. Everyone he knows follows his every whim, even his superiors in the Space Ranger chain. He's smarter than everybody and knows everything about everything. Nothing fazes him, nothing is beyond his control. He looks like Kirk but acts like Spock, only not as excitable. He's about as fun to watch as a dead hamster. On the opposite end of the spectrum are all the other characters, who are so inept and annoying that you wonder why Rocky even bothers with them. There's tow-headed, chipmunk-toothed Bobby, a know-it-all kid who sucks up to everyone and comes along on all the missions for no discernable reason. Also along for no reason is Vena, who is someone's sister. Vena wears a lot of short skirts, which is nice, but she's also dumber than a stick, which is not. And don't forget senile old Professor Newton, who is one of those movie scientists who doesn't specialize in any specific realm of science or medicine, but is called upon for everything from astrophysics to childcare. Worst of all is Rocky's effeminate sidekick Winky (yes, Winky), who constantly yammers on about his swingin' social life with the ladies. He claims to be girl crazy and quite the player, but spends 24 hours a day with chiseled and asexual Rocky, chirpy man-boy Bobby, and platonic gal-pal Vena. All the male characters wear really tight pants.

Their adventures seem to be aimed at kids, but they're shot so drably and acted so woodenly that it's the visual equivalent of Nyquil. The mind-numbingly-simple plots are over-explained to the point where you can't tell what's going on. People get captured and recaptured by their nemesis over and over again until you can't tell who's a captor, who's a captive, and who's just pretending to be a captive. The "futuristic" sets show all the ingenuity and imagination as a Sears catalog. The scripts are written by people who cannot grasp simple human interaction, let alone the science of space flight. They're technically inept, which should be funny on some level, but they're also boring and made by people who just didn't put any heart into their work, so I guess television hasn't changed much since 1954.
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