11 May 2003
It's 1950s small town America and rich society widow Cary Scott (Jane Wyman) has fallen in love with her gardener Ron Kirby (Rock Hudson), but can the gossipy town handle it? This beautifully filmed classic, directed by Douglas Sirk, is so touching. And even though it's considered a melodrama (and at times a bit syrupy--just watch for Bambi!) there is a deeper meaning underneath all that Technicolor. Listen for the Thoreau quote that Cary reads when she and Ron visit his friends, Mick and Alida Anderson. That's the whole lesson of the film summed up right there.

Added note: There's a classic line that Wyman says to Hudson in the car when he says that she should not let others influence her decisions, like his friend Mick, who had to learn how to be a man. She responds with "You want me to be a man." Then he says, "Well, just in that one way." It's funny now in retrospect!
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