30 October 2000
I saw this peculiar film a couple of times very late at night in the 60's; I thought it humorous and slightly provocative at the time. But I was about 12 then too. When I got to see it again as an adult on AMC, I found my tastes and perceptions had changed somewhat. My chief impressions of it now are: a) Steve Allen wasn't a very good actor, b) his wife Jayne Meadows wasn't very good either, c) the film was awfully contrived and preachy, and brimming with stereotypes. I found it interesting that at the time Allen chose to play a heroic professor persecuted for seeking frankness and truth about sex, and years later he lead a self- righteous "anti-smut" crusade against movies and TV. I suppose that sometimes hypocrisy needs years to ripen and bloom. In any case, this film isn't likely to arouse much interest or respect nowadays.
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