12 inept astronauts, 1 inept film
20 July 2004
I have a real fondness for the B&W day of sci-fi, littered with rocket-ships, aliens and mans indomitable spirit and will to keep communism at bay. Here we have a prototype for Star Trek, a multi-cultural effort to get mankind on the moon with a dozen various countries sending their best people to man the ship. It doesn't quite work out that way though, since they're all numb nuts and the script is poor at best, highly inaccurate at worst. There are subplots concerning an aging Nazi, Commie sympathisers and a 2 minute long tacked-on love story, but that doesn't matter because you'll laugh your ass off at how ludicrously badly made the whole thing is.

Top of the list has to be the fact that when our heroes land on the moon, it's obviously a set. I don't mean that the surface looks a little poorly made, I mean we can see the scaffolding, we see scene shifters standing around in the background, lighting rigs above the actors, etc. We can see the torches used by the astronauts trailing long power cables, which might make exploring a costly exercise in extension leads from the ship. Funniest of all has to be the space helmets they use, real aircraft helmets with no visors attached. To get around this they have a character explain how their faces will be protected by an invisible ray shield, which even he obviously doesn't believe in. Ha!

This is fun even without the MST3K guys ripping it to bits, it's cheesily written and acted, and any small blind mammal can see the glaring flaws in the effects and script. The MST3K version is one of the best they ever made, but this movie stands out as a laughable piece of nonsense on it's own.
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