I hope you have enjoyed 'No Moral Theatre'!
30 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(spoilers) I tremble to think of the many,many more boring and horrible singing and dancing scenes that the MST3K crew must have cut out of this wretched cinematic abomination. I think that since the director couldn't come up with a plot, he simply slapped in all this 'entertainment' to confuse the audience into not noticing. Truly, Steckler has some explaining to do. Why did he cast himself as the main character? Jerry is a nasty, stupid, lazy lout, who's death at the end of the film is pretty much a reason to cheer. Why cast yourself as such a jerk? And then why make the film revolve around said idiot, with an incomprehensible and altogether lame storyline? Is he a masochist? I mean, Jerry only gets brainwashed because he's drooling over the mannish and scorbutic stripper Carmelita, when he has a perfectly nice and pretty girlfriend. Who puts up with him! Stupid? Oh,yes. Wouldn't you want to keep a girl like Angie happy if she thinks your simian puss and total lack of brains is the cat's meow? Where would a chuckle head like jerry ever find another woman who would even touch him?! That's the real question I have about this film. The total lack of plot is just a side note. The incredibly awful singing and dancing are a mere bagetelle. The ADR that seems to have been done by a deaf monkey is only a glitch. I am haunted by this wondering-what manner of moron do you have to be to cast yourself as someone so repulsive??!!
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