Review of The Prize

The Prize (1963)
Newman's suits!!!! Elke's dresses!!!!
31 January 2000
Paul Newman is funny! Wow! I'm used to him in heavy pieces by maudlin American Playwrights, and here he is being suave & flirtatious! A funny movie, an adventure/ spy movie, and some drama. Anything more would give away too much of the plot. Newman is convincing as the American Novelist who has a drinking problem, but is drinking to get over his artistic frustration. Robinson is also good as the former German Physicist, with an accent and perfomance that makes you forget gangster films quite quickly (in fact, my wife & I didn't even recognize him - he was just 'one of those familiar guys'). Summers is funny, and quite sexy (Jennifer wanted her dresses, and I wanted her to have her dresses as well! Come to think of it, I want Newman's suits). While there are a few weak spots in this film, there are few, with great photography and good editing. The music does remind one of the original Star Trek's broadcasting of 'things are getting serious and violent now', but it's of its period and is forgivable. Really good, but not great. We've paid big money to see a lot worse films than this.
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