Lost in Space (1965–1968)
I have a GREAT idea for a show!
14 January 2004
Hey, all you TV execs from the 60's, I have a GREAT idea for a show! First, we'll interview Gene Roddenberry and pick his brain and steal his idea for a Sci-Fi show about a group of people on a trip through otter space and every week they meet new and interesting people/planets/things and we can steal his idea for using old movie sets to keep costs low and we only need one or two perminant sets, just like Gene wants to use, to also keep production costs down...AND THEN...WE GET IRWIN ALLEN to produce the show!!! Get it? We can take a really GREAT idea and give it old "no-talent"-Allen and let him go to town with it! Plus, since we can get our show on the air before Gene does, he can't sue us! What do you think? Why, yes, I'd love a cigar...

Ok, that having been said, let's get reel (get it?). This is one of the worst TV show EVER produced, which is really inexcusable considering that it was a blatent rip-off off from Gene Roddenberry. However, this is also ONE OF THE MOST ENJOYABLE SHOWS EVER MADE!!! You want to crash on the couch on Saturday afternoon with a bucket of popcorn and some beer and just laugh and enjoy yourself? YOU CAN'T BEAT 'LOST IN SPACE'!!! This is the one truly great Camp Sci-Fi series of the last 50-years. Star Trek was great, but it was almost TOO GOOD to be camp, where-as this is just mindless fun! Like playing with your favorite tow ray-gun from your childhood; vastly out-dated, but still a blast! The actors seemed to really enjoy being on set and no one (including the writers and producers) seemed to take to show too seriously (or even a little seriously, for that matter). Remember the 'Vegitable Revolt' Episode? Remember Guy Williams LAUGHING on camera because the FX were SOOOOOOO bad? How can you NOT love that?!

Seriously, if you have never seen 'LIS', GO GET THE DVD (out soon)!!! This is mindless, Generic, non-offensive, 60's 'Fluff'-TV at it's best!!! Enjoy!

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