The best of the famous "Blood Trilogy"
20 March 2003
After seeing the first two installments of the Blood Trilogy, Blood Feast and 2,000 Maniacs, I was a bit skeptical about watching the final film, Color Me Blood Red. It's not that the first two were awful, but by no means can they be considered good either. With that in mind, and the usual conclusion that the third part of trilogies are sometimes "lacking", I put the movie in my DVD player and assumed I'd be stuck counting the seconds go by on my clock.

Could I have been more wrong! This movie is awesome! It's got just the right amount of nonsense and low budget feeling to it, and really pulls out some decent acting abilities from the lead character in the film, our beloved murderer/painter. The way he reacts with the story and physically and mentally decomposes throughout the movie is pretty convincing. The viewer really gets a sense that this is a troubled guy who turns to some sick methods to prove that he truly is a great painter.

With the help of a dorky team of teenagers, that perfectly resemble the generation they exist in, this movie was really able to provide a solid viewing experience. It is with that said, that I declare Color Me Blood Red as the best of the Blood Trilogy. That's not to say the Blood Trilogy wasn't worth the purchase I made (it was interesting to see the origins of gore) but without a doubt, this movie stands alone from the other two. Even if there never was a Blood Trilogy , even with the absence of Blood Feast and 2,000 Maniacs, this movie stands alone as a great example of how story and gore can sometimes mix for the best. And with horror movies these days not understanding that, it's nice to see you can always pull out an old b-movie and enjoy a good story and blood & guts at the same time. Overall, 8 out of 10.
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