And he didn't steal no bike, neither!
13 July 2002
If the fans of MST3K, such as me, can ever get together and create an MST3K Hall Of Fame, this movie might be inducted in as a charter member in the film category. John Humphries definitely will be inducted as a charter member in the actors category, along with such luminaries as Joe Don Baker, Ross Hagen, John Agar and...the know, the one who played Torgo.

Humphries made only one MST3K appearance, but it was a great one, playing a character so annoying that you're just begging the other characters to give him a swirley or rub his face in crunchy underwear.

Fortunately, Humphries seems to have a sense of humor and reality, as he didn't foolishly follow other MST3K actors into years of horrible films, thinking he'd eventually get his big break.
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