Yipes Stripes!!!
3 December 2003

That song rocks. Apparently the only thing that does in this movie. Definitely not your standard high budget horror film, but after seeing it a few times, it's kampy cheesy effect does shine through!

No actors come to mind here. The 20 and 30 yr olds...I MEAN, good old fashioned teenagers are puzzled by heinous stranglings in town. Is it a a teenager who strangles or someone who strangles teenagers? This will haunt your mind as the show goes on. There's a bad boy gang railing against contemporary social mores. Either that or they're big Hoya fans clad in leather jackets. Heavy teen petting occurs in the oddest of back alleyways in the shady part of town. Our teen gang is deep in a whodunnit. And then, there's Mikey. Man, the ONLY character that I can recall from his incessant whining! His panic attacks and tear filled lines about some bike. Major pity factor with this one. For laughs, check out the wannabe drag race.

Ah, "Yipes Stripes". Who can forget this classic top 20 song? It's catchy beat makes your hips shake, hop up on diner counters, and swing till you're groovy! Watch how the girl lip syncing....uh, I mean SINGING the song. She really looks like she can't wait for happy hour! The guy behind the counter steals any scene he's in.

"And he didn't steal no bike neither!"
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