Good Entertainment
20 October 2002
DARK OF THE SUN ( As I know it though there`s several different titles for the film ) is the simple stoy of a bunch of mercenaries in 60s Congo liberating a bunch of Europeans ( And more importantly a lot of diamonds ) besieged by the muderous Simba nationalist cult. Throw in a load of cliches like a drunken doctor , a damsal in distress , a nazi war criminal , a redemption sub plot with the hero gaining his humanity , tedious moral dialogue about the future of Africa and several revealing mistakes where the victims of Simba violence are quite clearly stuffed dummies and you might think this is a really bad film . Maybe it is but it`s also good old fashioned entertainment . The battle scenes may have dated somewhat compared to BLACK HAWK DOWN and SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but they still pack a punch especially the editing when the action cuts from the Simba hordes attacking the train to the hero and the banker waiting patiently for the time lock to open the vault where the diamonds are stored. If you liked THE WILD GEESE you`ll like this film too
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