Ok, Here it is...
10 October 2003
Ever wondered about all the little things that SEEMED to be inferred by this group's dynamics, but were too afraid to ask, Hey, what's going on here? Well I have the answers. Ready? Ok, Here it is:

Fred is gay. That is why he wears the ascot and his hair is ALWAYS perfect. He even looks like he belongs on Queer Eye for a Straight Guy, right? But he won't ADMIT he is gay, so he is drawn to Velma, whose strong, straight-forward (ok, Manish) ways make him feel secure. And where does Velma get all this strength? Well, it is due to Velma being, of course, a lesbian, which explains both her "alternative" dress and her constant need to hang around who Daphnie. And speaking of Daphnie, ever notice how she is always speaking to Fred? Obviously, she is in love with the Hunky-Hunk, not knowing that he is, of course, gay. See how the circle come around? But What About Shaggy and Scooby, you ask. Well, we know from the early shows that Shaggy is Daphnie's cousin and that Scooby-Doo is Shaggy's dog. But why would anyone keep two cowardly losers like Shaggy and Scooby around in such perilous situations? Because they were the Meal Tickets. See, you know how Shaggy always looked really stoned and was, for the most part, the only one who could hear Scooby talking? Can you say Scooby-Snacks? That's right, boys and girls; Scooby-Snax were actually Pot Brownies!!! THAT's why Shaggy always looked wasted (and sounded like it, too), THAT's why only Shaggy could (again, for the most part) understand what Scooby was saying (drug-induced hallucinations), THAT's where they got the money to travell around without jobs or responsibilities (selling pot on the road is a good source of income), and THAT's the cause of Shaggy and Scooby's cowardice...Pot-Inspired Paranoya!!!!

Well, I hope that clears up the vagueness of this (presumably) Children's Show. Believe me, if you watch the show with these points in mind, it will blow your mind! :) Enjoy!
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