Not that great. Not for an instant.
24 December 1998
Usually I loooove mindless action movies. Usually I'm all for senseless violence in films. And usually, I like little furry creatures. But here's what I hate- STAR WARS STAR WARS STAR WARS!!! This is the a silly, hugely over-rated, egotistical, boring, contrived, joyless, cheap and morally bankrupt piece of garbage. There is simply nothing entertaining about this movie, or any of the trilogy. The acting is silly and self-indulgent. The story is a very tired hairball hacked up from the throats of who knows how many fairy tales (save the princess, save the universe, etc.). I wouldn't be so vehement if it weren't for the fact that Star Wars is soooo popular and it's evvveryone's favorite. *hack* And people say Titanic is over-rated? Hello? People aren't going to be jumping up and down over Titanic 20 years from now. People are still screaming about Star Wars, but this film/trilogy is anything but something that could be considered a classic. Lucas is NOT a genius, Darth Vader is a candy-a** villian, and, gentle reader, Luke Skywalker is a putz.
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