Well worth the watch - Check it out with a date...
24 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie when it came out in theaters in 1978. I was 19, in the Marines, stationed in Hawaii, and liked... no, make that LOVED this movie so much, I saw it 12 out of the next 13 nights. I bought the double album that went with it (now if only Columbia would make it into a CD as well as a DVD of the movie - HINT, Columbia?)

Perhaps the thing about this movie that appealed to me the most was the fact that in most cases, you really can go home again. Whether it be a lost love to a time past in your life or family members from whom there have been past difficulties, the fact remains that doors always open in your life, and sometimes you have to just rely on faith and go through that door (or window) of opportunity and see what awaits. Having done that myself, I know firsthand of the exquisite joy that has brought to my life and that of others who I love more dearly than words can express.

Now that I'm in my forties, the storyline is nowhere near as far-fetched as some would think. Having a few friends and a family member lose their wives to death, and having to start over again in that department myself due to divorce, I can identify with Brooks' character a great deal. Perhaps this is why the movie has retained and even deepened its appeal so much to me over the years.

I was able to bid for a copy (and get a BRAND NEW copy) of this baby on ebay on VHS and seeing if I can get lucky in time for Christmas or New Year's. It's great for a 'chick flick' as well on date night in front of the fireplace.

If you get the chance to rent it, you'll have to look for it as a number of video stores may no longer have it in stock, it is WELL WORTH the time and effort to find this little jewel. You will indeed find yourself well-rewarded.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this classic a 10/10. ***
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