Just received the DVD in the mail today
18 June 2004
This film is now available in Region 2 DVD format through Amazon UK.

This is one of my all time favourite films and one I think is much underrated. I hadn't seen it for a few years until today.

Other reviews go into the plot so I'll leave that one alone, except to say that I think this bares some similarities to Tears of the Sun. I think The Wild Geese is vastly superior to Tears of the Sun however.

Suffice to say, they don't make 'em like this anymore.

A wall to wall blood and guts, brutal at times war/action film. No CGI in sight and no bulletproof stars.

I think the cast are all very good in this film, especially the leads. Burton, Harris, Moore and Kruger.

The action is thick and the body count high, but there are still some emotional contrasts through the film.

Some criticism has been leveled at the age of the characters with regards to them looking a bit "dad's army" like. This is not even an issue when you look at the story setting in 70's Africa.

The Wild Geese are all professional career soldiers and veterans. They have served their country and now they are serving themselves, many are unhappy with civilian life and their principal marketable skill is soldiering so they jump at the opportunity to sign up.

I understand that many of the mercenaries fighting together in Africa in the 60's and 70's were older former soldiers, some of whom had been on opposing sides in WWII. Their aim doesn't deteriorate with age.

The relationship between the lead characters is strong and this is also a great buddy film, each man having their own motivations for doing the job while sharing a very strong bond.

The film isn't perfect and I'm not saying it should have scooped the Oscars or anything but any shortcomings can't detract from the good points.

When the going gets tough, the Wild Geese get going.

I can't recommend this film highly enough.
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