Geez. Yeah, you HEARD me
19 June 2003
Well, I can say, that this is one of the most boring movies I've seen. What can you expect from PBS though, right? Yes, the story is interesting, but gahd, there was so much talking.. nothing interesting happens for an hour or so.. Here's what I found wrong with the movie

*Like others have said, the baby crying is REALLY REALLY annoying. Then, when the kid gets older, she constantly laughs, which makes me wonder why the mother dosen't just KILL IT. That kid is ANNOYING. ARGHH!

*The only reason worth watching is for John Heard, or Meg Foster. BUT, most of the time, Heard overacts.. We see him screaming in points, then the rest of the movie he just walks around with dark circles under his eyes. Some points, the overacting is good I suppose.. He's still pretty sexy in it though.

*WHO cares about the 'making of' things they add in on the two tapes.. Who cares about seeing where they filmed? How about some interviews with the main stars DAMNIT!

*It looked like something filmed with my camera...It had a homeade feeling to it. If the movie was any good, I wouldn't complain about that though.

Now, with all that, the end is okay... after about the first three hours it gets decent. I wouldn't watch it again unless I was at gun point.
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