Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu! summary from the back of the VHS tape sleeve (verbatim)...
14 April 2001
"Jackie Chan plays the part of Jiang, an orphan who is neither good in the literary nor the martial arts. Nevertheless, he's a happy-go-lucky fellow with an amiable personality. Saintly beggar Mao, who was a Kung Fu Master, is impressed by Jiang's earnest demeanor and takes Jiang in as a student. Liang joins the Sern Chuan Bodyguards, who have been entrusted with the task of escorting the priceless Evergreen Jade to safekeeping. Outnumbered by an army of ruthless highwaymen, the Sern Chuan sustain heavy losses during their long and grueling journey. Undaunted, Jiang refuses to admit defeat, and with only the spirit of Mao to guide him, singlehandedly defeats the enemy horde."

I don't blame Jackie Chan for finding a new contract after this movie. In the movie, his name was misspelled as 'Jacky Chan'.

Best Quote: "It's my Kung Fu. It's no good for anything, except laughs."

Worst Quote: "If I'm lying to you, then I'm a SOB."

Best New Fighting Technique Introduced: the Concubine
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