Review of Copper Mountain

Copper Mountain (1983 TV Movie)
Was he paid or did Carrey volunteer for this?
9 October 2003
The worldwide awe and respect that this film has inspired may be judged by the fact that in the twenty years since its release, the IMDb has attracted just two reviews for it. I find it amazing there is that many!

I picked up this little "gem" at a bargain-basement dvd-sale recently. I paid $4.95 for it new. Hell, the security device around it would have cost more! Having watched it..needing an alcoholic break each 15 minutes, I can only say that I was way overcharged. This "experience" does not qualify as a film, despite its stated 58 minute run-time. All the disc qualifies for is as a drink coaster!

Historically relevant simply on account of it being Carrey's first "starring" role, one can only conclude that it is beyond incredible how he ever got anywhere on the strength of this. If however he continues with such braindead fodder as BRUCE ALMIGHTY, he may very well end UP here again!

Starring role or not...Carrey is little more than a token character in the film...Hell there ISN'T a film here...just a gratuitous mish mash of third rate acts on stage. They should have been up for a separate Oscar: "Best extended Prom Night"
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