This movie actually has Depth! Ain't Ferris Cool Too!
28 September 2002
I saw this movie originally in the theatre way back in 1986. I even remember my friend saying, " one for Ferris Booger's day off " and this made me laugh hysterically. This obviously demonstrates my young age when I saw this movie back then. Now when I watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off, now much older, it gains a timeless quality as I still love it just as much, or more than I did originally in 1986. I strongly believe it is one of John Hughe's finest films. Ferris Bueller's character (Matthew Broderick) demonstrates a heroic quality, with his charm, cunning and zest for life. He displays a confidence that many of us could only dream of. His friend Cameron on the other hand is the anti-thesis to Ferris' high strung personality, as this character is contrastedly low spirited and worrisome about life and his possible future after high school. And this is the beauty of the movie, Ferris allows Cameron to finally bust out of his nervous shell and take hold of the reins of life. The plot is simple, Ferris a high school student is pretending to be home sick with the flu so he can enjoy a kick ass day o' fun. His parents buy into his ploy but Ferris must do a little tampering with his attendance record (to avoid being caught by the nasty Mr. Rooney, Dean of Students played by Jeffrey Jones) by hacking into the school computer. He is successful and notifies his good friend Cameron (Alan Ruck) of his plan to have an incredible day in the city of Chicago. Cameron is wallowing in his own self pity and this situates his character symbolically as an everyman who we can all relate to, he is a person who is scared of life and would rather hide than face the bitterness of reality. Therefore it is Ferris' job to aid Cameron in his voyage towards self realization. And you thought Ferris Bueller's Day Off had no depth, think again! But first they must rescue Ferris' hottie girl friend Sloan (Mia Sara) from the drudgery of her high school English class so they can escape to the city. The fun begins once the trio take off to the city and many hilarious and wonderful scenes take place. One particularly excellent scene takes place in the art gallery where Cameron is galvanized by one particular painting. He cannot take his eyes off this painting and this scene strongly signifies his transformation towards self realization.Mr. Rooney is continually on a quest to defile the academic career of Ferris Bueller in his hilarious performance. He remains the huge obstacle that stands in the way of our hero's enjoyment of a kick ass day 'o fun in the city. Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a fascinating romp of hilarity with true moments of tenderness to keep every viewer happy. Look for a young Jennifer Grey (from " Dirty Dancing " fame), she is fabulous in this movie as Ferris' despising sister Jeanie, all she wants is for her brother to be ruined in this whimsical tale of spiritual renewal.

I give this movie *** out of 5 stars! A very good film.
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