Review of Head Office

Head Office (1985)
head(ache) office
13 January 2001
A lot of the previous comments shocked me as to how anyone could like this, but I guess you guys have a point. Possibly if you went through something like this in life, you may find some humor or connection. But if you're just a movie going Joe, this will rank as one of the all time worsts. The writer-director of "Airplane II" comes up painfully short in this corporate crapola about a rookie executive (Reinhold) who gets his head spun by all the chaotic antics that go on in his office. "Airplane II" was not as good as the first, but Finkleman did manage a good amount of laughs. Here, I swear to you, not one. I rarely disreguard the fast forward button, or for that matter leave a movie on when its awful, but I had to see if this actually had one laugh. So, I slogged through the ninety numbing minutes and can say...nada! Zip! Zilch! I didn't even chuckle once. A few of Finkleman's ideas that pass for jokes: DeVito running through hallways for the first 20(!) minutes of the movie before he (and I usually don't spoil but I'm trying to get you to avoid this anyway) commits suicide!; Rick Moranis, who I've always liked, looks more like Rick Moronic as he rambles away into a phone for five minutes before dying of a heart attack; and the endless swearing by the cast that seems so forced, like Finkleman was doing anything to keep the audience awake. A tremendous cast was assembled, which makes you wonder if everyone involved was at the end of a three picture deal and needed to do this lame-o to complete it. Some have said this is a satire, or comedy AND drama, which would explain the lack of laughs. But the way things are carried out, complete with cartoon-like whistling sounds as DeVito dives of the highrise, make me believe this is just a comedy with one of the all time worst scripts. No wonder Finkleman disappeared after this atrocity. I mean, what can you say about a movie where the best performance may be the one by Don King!!
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