Review of I-Man

The Magical World of Disney: I-Man (1986)
Season 30, Episode 9
A show I've never forgotten
7 April 2004
Apparently, I was 7 years old when I caught I-Man on television. I had no idea what it was, and I have no idea why I was watching it, but even at that age, the premise was so unique to me; so fascinating. Nearly twenty years later, the memory of that one viewing stayed with me until this very moment when, in doing a search on Scott Bakula, I found the entry for this show. Previously, I'd had no idea what it was called, who was in it, or even that it had been a pilot for a TV show that was never picked up. I had thought it was a made for TV movie.

It's hard to work from an 18 year old memory, but what stood out about I-Man was the combined science fiction premise of a man who's unique power is to heal (an understated ability, but one with many uses), as well as the family-oriented heart of the show. After all, the father and the son both share their unique ability. They work together with a Batman/Robin sort of dynamic, though their relationship obviously runs deeper.

Essentially, it's a feel good family show with a kick-butt sci-fi premise. I would have been fascinated to have seen where this would have gone, and would love to track down a copy of the pilot. And, of course, with Scott Bakula in the lead, you can never go wrong.
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