Review of Ghost Chase

Ghost Chase (1987)
Mildly stupid compared to other movies. (*Spoilers*)
15 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I was over at the local used book/CD/movie store the other day when my friend came up to me showing me this movie for sale for $2.50. He told me he was going to buy it because it looked really bad. "NO!" I said. "I'm the one who collects bad movies, I should be the one buying it!" He with held from my torment for a while, until I showed him where the Godzilla movies were. THEN he gave it up in favor of Godzilla vs. Mothra. "Haha!" I exclaimed, holding the movie over my head. "I have won!" Little did I know that this movie was the one who REALLY won.

If you are reading this, it probably means you have rented or bought this movie, and you should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you support this movie with your hard earned money! The basis of this movie should have told you right away that this movie was a piece of crap. A group of film makers are struggling with production, when one of the kids (I mean "kids" literally, because these actors look as if they were only 17 or 18-years-old. None of them should be living on their own, making movies. They should be in high school.) gets called to the reading of a family will. He gets a bunch of junk left to him by his great grandfather. One piece of junk was an old clock that turns out to be housing the spirit of an old servant of the kid's great grandfather. And every time the clock struck 1:00 am, the spirit left the clock to roam his surrounding area. What I didn't get was why this spirit didn't do the same all of the other hundreds of nights he was locked away in that trunk. Well, the director of the films sees the ghost, and immediately after he wakes up, begins to construct a bunch of things that resemble what he saw when the spirit came into his room. He makes puppet about two feet tall, a scale model of a huge house, and writes a script for a movie based on his vision. My question, where did he get the money, and the know-how to make such detailed objects. The puppet is shown to have radio controlled eyes. What kind of a technological high school drop wizard is this guy who knows how to rig up remote sensor appendages? I don't know... On to the next "important" thing!

Across town, another film maker (this one in his 30's) hears about the will reading, and orders a spy to steal the clock. The ghost appears again, scaring away the spy, and this time, he inhabits the puppet made by the director guy. This leads the ghost (I think his name is Lewis) to speak of the great grandfather and how he had lots of money, but he never gave it to anybody, rather put it in the basement of some house. So the kids spend the night roaming Hollywood in search of some house, trying to jog Lewis's memory along the way, because Lewis is a moron and can't remember where the house was.

Well, they finally find the house after a girl recognizes the house in one of the older movie maker's movies, only to find out that the older guy is going to blow it up for the grand finale of some movie. They sneak into the closed set, end up in the basement of the house and are about to break into a wall, when the ghost of the great grandfather shows up, inhibits a suit of armor, and begins battling the kids. One blow and the armor falls apart though, but it somehow reassembles itself, and begins to exact it's revenge. It puts the director kid on a bed of spikes, entraps the great grandson behind bars, and does something to Lewis, but Lewis can still talk, and he tells the director kid that the only way to defeat the great grandfather's ghost is to destroy the clock. So he does it and the house blows up with the kids inside it. They find the fortune, the director kid is upset because he lost Lewis, the old director is bankrupted because the kids exploit a fraud he committed back a few years ago, and to end the movie, they drive away in a limo with guess who driving?... Awww... it's Lewis... Everybody with me, Awwwww... Lewis is still alive. DAMN YOU LEWIS!!! Damn you back to the pits of despair you came from!!! And as you're on your way down, don't hang onto me for support, because I'm not giving any! Lewis doesn't deserve it!! This movie doesn't deserve it! The actors don't deserve it! Nobody related to this movie deserves it!

All in all, this movie wasn't all that bad. The ending was what killed it though. I never liked Lewis. I wanted him to stay dead, and when I saw him driving that limo, I wanted to punch a hole through a wall. By far, the WORST ending I have ever seen. That is my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. Good day gentlemen...
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