Love at Stake (1987)
funny stuff
5 August 2004
This movie is hilarious! I can't believe it only rated 4.8/10! This is definitely a "B" movie, but there are a lot of very good "B" movies out there. I mean, every scene is funny. Anyone who enjoys "neo-slapstick" comedy should LOVE this, especially fans of Monthy Python, the "Fletch" movies, or even Benny Hill, will love this movie! And hey, it has John Travolta's wife in it & Barbara Carerra (sic?)! Not to mention, "Doug" McKenzie from the Great White North. I can definitely tell there is some SNL influence here. The old lady (mother of the struck-blind preacher) is hilarious, not to mention the songs! Definitely rent this movie if you haven't seen it. And if you have, BUY IT, if you can find it!
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