Not the worst, but pretty damn bad!!!
12 March 2002
There are some movies that I just can't help but to wonder if anyone actually watched it before they said that it was finished and released in onto the innocent public. This is one of those films! It is hard to fathom exactly what the point of this film was and it definitely has one of the most confusing endings in horror movie history. It is strange though...some parts of the film work very well. With a better script and director, this film actually might have been good. The idea is certainly original. It deals with a low-budget film crew who are making a film about a series of true murders that happened at a high school years before. To top it off, they are using the actual high school as the setting for the film! That part is easy to understand. Where the film becomes a mess is when it jumps from the past to present, to the film being filmed, to reality and so forth. When we think something is real, it turns out to be part of the movie that they are shooting. Again, there are some inspired moments in the film, such as the disection scene and the creep room in the basement, but even those are destroyed by the confusion of whether they are fact or fiction. But none of that matters, because the ending of this film is it's main downfall. What kind of police officers and paramedics were these people when they couldn't tell a real dead body from a fake one??!! What was the point of the crew faking the murders?? Were there ever any murders to begin with??? What did any of the rest of the movie have to do with the final confrontation scene at in the basement?? So many unanswered questions and I find it hard to understand how this got released being as confusing as it is. A total let down considering the description that the box gives. A 3 out of 10, only because it was an original idea that could have been pulled of so well in other hands.
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