Romero dregs...
26 November 2002
Make no bones about this - this film is an utter disgrace and an alarmingly bad piece of cinema. I've reviewed several exploitation flicks (most of which were all produced on 'shoe-string' budgets) and have found that most, if not all, of them have some form of redeeming feature. 'The Dead Next Door' is completely devoid of anything seriously positive, though. Its self awareness of Romero's zombie movies makes it even more heinous - characters with names such as 'Raimi', 'Savini' et al. This film stands out more as a landmark of crass, mundane, tedious, z-rate, and student filming more than anything credible. The only vaguely rousing element of the film is that it does feature shed-loads of (seemingly harmless) zombies and no particular lack of gore. However, to watch this film as a parody doesn't even work.

For anyone who may be curious as to acquiring a copy of this - simply give it a miss - it is absolute garbage. Riddled with truly atrocious acting, dire plot, terrible sound (it would seem that the dubbing was inserted with a crow-bar!), laughable gore and special effects. As another reviewer has commented - this film is so bad it's simply bad. A sheer waste of time, money, and effort. 3/10
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