Dead Ringers (1988)
Cronenberg at his chilling, thrilling best.
8 July 1999
After watching "Dead Ringers," I was re-confirmed in my belief that David Cronenberg is one of the greatest film directors of all time. He is (avoiding all hyperbole) a genius; a visionary who takes snippets from every walk of life and sticks them together in strange, sometimes difficult, always unforgettable films. "Dead Ringers" is a definite Cronenberg film, but it is often difficult to give a precise definition of such an experience. Films like "Scanners," "Crash," "The Fly," "Dead Ringers," and the new "eXistenZ" differ in story and structure, but there seems to be one common thread running through all of them: Cronenberg's vision.

Jeremy Irons gives the most fully realized performance of his stunning career as twin gynecologists joined at the mind. These are Siamese twins of the spirit, not of the body. His portrayal of the two twins is so fully realized, it is often difficult to realize the same man is playing both roles.

While watching the film, it was hard to pinpoint the single moment that I went from "trying to get into the story" to "killing anyone who turned off the VCR." This film kept me engrossed until the very end, and I definitely recommend this film to anyone who likes their films with a twist.
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