Perfectly over the top, just like any good cartoon should be...
20 July 1999
It's rare to have such a high profile production that keeps the appeal of a cult classic, and even more rare to have a movie come out with such hype that actually lives up to our expectations. The visual effects are excellent, and the story is a prime lampoon of the classic film noir private detective stories of the short, it works! Hoskins is great as our troubled gumshoe, Cassidy does her tough-as-nails Tess Trueheart best as his girl, Christopher Lloyd as Doom is almost more of a cartoon than the cartoons are... perfectly over the top, as always. Kathleen Turner turns out a sultry femme fatale worthy of Barbara Stanwyck, and manages to keep that heart of gold hidden (beneath that bosom, how difficult can it be?)... And, of course, there's Roger, voiced by the remarkable Charles Fleischer (who also voiced Benny the Cab, Greasy and Psycho). No one but Fleischer could have played this character! This is the perfect cartoon rabbit, the ultimate hapless hero...a lover, not a fighter, and funny, too!

It's a great movie for any age--like the old WB cartoons, adults will appreciate it on a completely different level than kids will.
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