Review of Seinfeld

Seinfeld (1989–1998)
Nothing will ever be the same again
7 June 2000
As a show about nothing, "Seinfeld" managed to achieve more than the majority of shows about something, and then did a hell of a lot more as well. One of the most innovative and original spins on the sitcom formula, Jerry Seinfeld & co. obsessed themselves with the ordinary, mundane details of everyday life and found a comic edge that so many people could easily relate to. Finding humour in such routine events as parking a car or waiting in line for the cinema might seem like a task that most television shows would avoid. After all, each and every one of us experiences things like that everyday - don't we? Exactly. In its deceptively simple approach, "Seinfeld" managed to open up a world of hilarity that has to rank as one of American television's finest hours - not that there's anything wrong with that!
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