Mindwalk (1990)
Grok this flick! Ignore the setup plot and PAY ATTENTION!!!
13 August 2003
IMHO: I stumbled across the work by chance; it happens that the subject matter has everything to do with exactly that. Then I decided it was worth further review, and behold, couldn't locate it for months. Figures. Finding it only recently, I'll skip the storyline that others have analyzed to death or something like that, and merely emphasize that it has its' points --- and I was surprised to find Sam Waterston and Liv Ullman at work in such manner. It's a strange movie that doesn't fit most of "the rules", indeed cerebral yet not really to preach an aspect but to instill wonderment. Joe 6-packs might not easily relate up front at first but if they would just try and ponder ---

I'm inherently biased being a scientist though that's exactly NOT what the theme is truly about despite the honest bent: perspective, practicality, necessity, and compromise.

Nice camera work on location, too. Give it more than a once-over if you can, time not wasted.
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