Quick Change (1990)
A Bill Murray sleeper
19 June 2000
Truly one of Bill Murray's better works, Quick Change is often forgotten thanks to Ghostbusters, the movie he is most commonly associated with. Still, Quick Change employs a lot of Murray's low-key, suddle humor and stiff yet heartwarming views on love. Quick Change is one of the films where you're supposed to root for the bad guy, because Murray's character is "just a bank robber" and overall a decent guy. Thus, it's easy to feel sorry for him when his getaway plan(s) constantly go awry and it is quite funny to see how he escapes the long arm of the law which is closing in on him.

The movie also benefits from a supporting cast with comedic experience, including Geena Davis, who plays Murray's suffering yet ever patient love interest and Randy Quaid, who plays their inept conspirator. There is also a substantial amount of bits of comedic commentary on the nature of New York which only New Yorkers can appreciate. That, mixed in with the little social commentary that is under the surface in most of Murray's films make Quick Change a "lost" example of Murray at his best.
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