Once More Unto the Breach...
21 May 2001
The sentimentalist in me refuses to call this a swansong. The original crew proved that, despite their age, they were in no way ready to be put to pasture. This movie, where Kirk's past comes back to bite him (his son's death at the hands of the Klingons), is a return to the more dramatic Trek, but with generous helpings of dark comedy (`Earth, Hitler, 1938.' `I've been dead before.'), and even making fun of itself at times (After an attractive alien woman lip-locks with Kirk, McCoy rolls his eyes and says, `What is it with you?'). The movie has plenty of fan-pleasing moments (Sarek, Colonel Worf, Sulu in command of the Excelsior…), a fast pace, a great villain (the Shakespeare-quoting Chang), great performances by the regular cast, and a wonderful score by Cliff Eidelman.

Never, ever dull, Star Trek VI – The Undiscovered Country remains my favorite Star Trek movie.
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