Good Movie
9 January 1999
I enjoyed it. The action was done well, there was no bad acting that I noticed, it was an intriguing story, and it was well directed. I've heard from many people that the original is much better. I want to see it, but considering the fact that I've never seen a decent non-American film by American film standards, I'm not holding my breath that La Femme Nikita will be the outstanding masterpiece people are making it out to be.

Some people think that the bathroom sniper scene was just an excuse to show everyone Fonda's panty-covered ass, but in my opinion, that assumption is pretty silly. In order to keep millions of people from complaining about things like this, you'd have to wrap the female star of an action movie like a damn mummy for the whole film. When Tom Cruise and his co-stars all stripped down to their briefs in Top Gun, millions of women came flying to the movie theatres to watch an obviously male oriented action flick. When Kate Winslet exposed herself in Titanic, feminists didn't say much, because it was a great romantic story and very tastefuly done. But oh no! Put a woman in an action flick and all of these feminists become nuns! Gimme a break.
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