Bionic Ever After? (1994 TV Movie)
A nice tidy ending to the bionic saga....
16 September 2003
Although for me this was the weakest of all three bionic reunion movies, it made up for it in the end with the -finally!- wedding of Steve and Jaime. The movie itself just did'nt click right for some reason and REALLY looked low budget compared to the other two. [for example: The whole jaime having enhanced eyesight with her bionic ear was too much for even me to swallow and i've been forgiving of the special effects but did expect better in this movie. It would be cool to have an updated version of this show.. oops spoke too late "jake 2.0" just started last week. Shows like this [buck rogers & battle star galactica, etc...] live in the perfect bubble of 70's tv show; all gooey and gummy and bell bottom pants! Todays audience are too smarty-pants to take a show like this seriously, but they are great to watch. Ask a twelve year old what a nanobot is and he'll probably talk your head off for an hour. ask a twelve year old what a transistor was in 1973 and you probably would have gotten a blank stare.... Still got copies of all three movies on tape and cant wait to get my DVD recorder so i can save 'em on DVD. So anybody think Steve and Jaime had any bionic rugrats? -hey- they gave her bionic legs to jump a four story building, why not give her a bionic uterus? ;)
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