Pentathlon (1994)
those Kooky Commies
26 April 2004
While at the Olympics, Eric Brogar (Dolph Lundgren) escapes communist West Germany & flees to America. But after hearing that the no-goodniks have killed his father, he starts on a downward spiral until Creese (Roger "T.C." Mosley), his burger manager, starts training him for the Olympics again. Then Mueller (David "Hutch" Soul), Eric's commie former-trainer shows up. Will Eric prevail and find true love with Julia (Renee "Evil leaper from Quantum Leap" Colemen)? This film was overall enjoyable to me for some reason. Not great, mind you, but enjoyable as a time-waister. The acting's servicable enough.

My Grade: C

Where i saw it: Showtime beyond
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